2022年3月,李良教授团队将氟钝化策略应用拓展至团队所提出的钙钛矿量子点高温固相合成法,提高了钙钛矿量子点的热缺陷活化能,制备出兼具优异荧光效率和抗光、化学及热猝灭性的量子点荧光粉,相关研究成果以“Suppressing thermal quenching of lead halide perovskite nanocrystals by constructing a wide-bandgap surface layer for achieving thermally stable white light-emitting diodes”为题发表于Chemical Science (2022,13, 3719-3727)。该研究采用阴离子表面钝化策略(包括F-离子,SO42-离子等)应用于团队所创建的绿色高温固相合成钙钛矿纳米晶体系,在此基础上构筑了稳定的白光LED器件。近日,李良教授团队进一步利用氟离子抑制锡氧化合成出超稳定的锡基无铅钙钛矿,相关研究成果以“Stable Lead-free Tin Halide Perovskite with Operational Stability >1200 h by Suppressing Tin(II) Oxidation”为题在线发表于Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.期刊,并入选VIP论文。上海交通大学博士后张庆刚为论文的第一作者,孔龙助理研究员与李良教授为该论文的共同通讯作者。
Angew: 氟离子抑制二价锡氧化,构筑稳定的无铅锡卤钙钛矿
图2. SnF2衍生的Cs4SnBr6钙钛矿的稳定性测试
1. Zhang Q, Liu S, He M, et al. Stable Lead‐free Tin Halide Perovskite with Operational Stability> 1200 h by Suppressing Tin (II) Oxidation[J]. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2022.
2. Zhang Q, He M, Wan Q, et al. Suppressing thermal quenching of lead halide perovskite nanocrystals by constructing a wide-bandgap surface layer for achieving thermally stable white light-emitting diodes[J]. Chemical science, 2022, 13, 3719-3727.
3. Liu M, Wan Q, Wang H, et al. Suppression of temperature quenching in perovskite nanocrystals for efficient and thermally stable light-emitting diodes[J]. Nature Photonics, 2021, 15(5): 379-385.
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