


来源:中山大学      2024-08-27



叶宇昕,中山大学化学工程与技术学院副教授,硕士生导师,2011年本科毕业于中山大学化学学院,2017年博士毕业于中山大学化学学院。目前在PNAS, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental等期刊发表高水平论文20余篇,承担国家青年基金等项目6项。主要从事新型催化剂的设计合成、应用开发及催化机理的研究,具体包括:新型有机光催化剂的构建、光物理化学过程的表征及调控;过氧化氢的光催化合成及应用;有机污染物的光催化降解。


1. Huijie Yan; Minhui Shen; Yong Shen; Xu-Dong Wang; Wei Lin; Jinhui Pan; Jian He; Yu-Xin Ye*; Xin Yang; Fang Zhu; Jianqiao Xu; Jianguo He; Gangfeng Ouyang*; Spontaneous exciton dissociation in organic photocatalyst under ambient conditions for highly efficient synthesis of hydrogen peroxide, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2022, 119(22): e2202913119.

2. Yu-Xin Ye; Jinhui Pan; Fangyan Xie; Li Gong; Siming Huang; Zhuofeng Ke; Fang Zhu; Jianqiao Xu; Gangfeng Ouyang*; Highly efficient photosynthesis of hydrogen peroxide in ambient conditions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2021, 118(16): e2103964118.

3. Yu-Xin Ye; Jinhui Pan; Yong Shen; Minhui Shen; Huijie Yan; Jian He; Xin Yang; Fang Zhu; Jianqiao Xu; Jianguo He; Gangfeng Ouyang*; A solar-to-chemical conversion efficiency up to 0.26% achieved in ambient conditions, Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 2021, 118 (46): e2115666118.

4. Huijie Yan; Yanchun Deng; Minhui Shen; Yu-Xin Ye*; Fang Zhu; Xin Yang; Gangfeng Ouyang*; Regulation the reactive oxygen species on conjugated polymers for highly efficient photocatalysis, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 314:121488.

5. Yu-Xin Ye#; Cheng Wen#; Jinhui Pan; Jia-Wei Wang; Yuan-Jun Tong; Songbo Wei; Zhuofeng Ke; Long Jiang; Fang Zhu; Ningbo Zhou; Minjie Zhou*; Jianqiao Xu; Gangfeng Ouyang*; Visible-Light Driven Efficient Overall H2O2 Production on Modified Graphitic Carbon Nitride under Ambient Conditions, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2021, 285:119726.

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